Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 05/03/2024
TIME: 09:30
LOCAL: Programa de Pósgraduação em Desenvolvimento Urbano

URBANIZATION OF THE TRADITIONAL COMMUNITY ILHA DE DEUS, RECIFE-PE. Post-intervention evaluation from the perspective of sustainability and the right to the city


Traditional Communities; Urbanization in Permanent Preservation Areas; Sustainable Lifestyles; Right to the City; Ilha de Deus Community.

PAGES: 127
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Planejamento Urbano e Regional

The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of urbanization of the traditional community of Ilha de Deus, located in the city of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, from the perspective of the principles of sustainable development and their alignment with the right to the city and to housing. The study started from the observation of a contradiction in the foundations of the consolidation of this community in its place of residence: On the one hand, because the community that inhabits Ilha de Deus is located on an island in the Pina watershed, surrounded by mangroves, and is made up of a fishing and extractivist population, which survives through struggle and resistance of local resources, and is therefore recognized as traditional, according to the definition of the National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities (PNPCT) of the Ministry of Social Development (MDS), which attributes to these communities the protection of the preservation of their habitat and their traditional practices (BRASIL, 2007). On the other hand, because this community occupies a Permanent Preservation Area (APP), according to local urban and environmental legislation, legally considered non aedificandi and not subject to consolidation and, therefore, to urbanization and land regularization processes. The urbanization of Ilha de Deus, on the initiative of the state government, and its inclusion for land regularization among the priorities of the municipal government, offers the opportunity to evaluate the impacts of this process on the community, including the views of the residents, which can collaborate as a reference for other traditional communities inserted in the urban environment, thus contributing to sustainable development in cities. To this end, the study was conceptually based on the principles of sustainable development, from the perspective of "sustainable ways of life", defended by Boff (2004) and Capra (2006), who consider that individual and collective responsibility, generating ways of life based on solidarity, are fundamental for transformations to occur in society's relations with the environment. They also consider that economic and social relations and economic growth need to be evaluated, rearticulated and rethought, based on the preservation of ecology and socio-environmental justice, which brings this theoretical perspective closer to the principles of the right to the city, advocated by Lefebvre (2008) and further developed by Harvey (2008, 2014). The development of the work was based on three methodological procedures: analysis of the records of the urban intervention process in the Ilha de Deus community, based on official documents and reports and documents that portray this process; analysis of the local conditions of the urbanization that was implemented; and the view of the community's residents on the changes that occurred in the resident families' lifestyles after the intervention process. These analyses were guided by the principles of sustainability and the right to the city and to decent housing.

Presidente - 1132319 - MARIA ANGELA DE ALMEIDA SOUZA
Interna - 1380123 - DANIELLE DE MELO ROCHA
Externa à Instituição - NORAH HELENA SANTOS NEVES
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/02/2024 12:52
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