Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 04/03/2024
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala 201 (reunião híbrida)

Shakespeare's dreams: adaptations and appropriations of the plays A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Tempest in Sandman (1988-1996)


Adaptation; Appropriation; Shakespeare; Comics; Graphic Novels

PAGES: 111
BIG AREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Letras

This research aims to analyze the process of adapting the plays A Midsummer Night's Dream (1600) and The Tempest (1611) by William Shakespeare into comic books, through a study of homonymous chapters of Sandman (1988-1996), a graphic novel by Neil Gaiman. Sandman is a highly recognized and acclaimed graphic novel, winning the World Fantasy Awards literary prize. One of its most striking characteristics is the construction through intertextuality and peculiar adaptive processes in the production of original scripts. For this reason, the adaptations of Shakespeare's plays in Sandman were analyzed following Linda Hutcheon's (2011) adaptation theory, which proposes a broader perception of the term adaptation: a process of recreating a pre-existing work in a new format, not limited to adaptations of literary works for other media. This theory allowed for a more comprehensive and in-depth approach between comics and plays. In confluence with Hutcheon's theoretical perspectives, Julie Sanders (2006) defines appropriation as a form of intertextuality and as the practice of borrowing or using elements from a previous work. This concept also served as the basis for the analysis and interpretation of characters in the Sandman comic that were created based on real people or pre-existing characters. We first discussed some definitions for the term comics, at the same time as we presented a discussion about the process of cultural legitimization that this artistic manifestation has undergone since its emergence. Next, we sought to recognize how the modes of engagement proposed by Hutcheon (2011) were used as a device by Gaiman in the composition of the Sandman chapters. Finally, we sought to understand how compositional elements of comics, such as colors, frames, fonts, balloons and captions, influenced adaptation processes. The conclusions showed that, in the adaptations in question, Neil Gaiman resorts to the use of appropriation strategies through which he reproduces some of the main themes present in the aforementioned Shakespearean plays, such as dreams and artistic creation. The appropriation resource was also used by Gaiman in Sandman in the process of creating the homonym character based on the historical figure of William Shakespeare. Furthermore, we identified that the most used mode of engagement by Gaiman was "show ↔ show", typical among performing arts, but not extensively delimited by Hutcheon (2011).

Presidente - 2247579 - YURI JIVAGO AMORIM CARIBE
Externa ao Programa - 2166146 - KARINE DA ROCHA OLIVEIRA - UFPEExterna à Instituição - MÁRCIA TAVARES SILVA - UFCG
Notícia cadastrada em: 15/02/2024 18:05
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