Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/04/2024
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: no google meet

Concept Formation; Conceptual Fields Theory; Profit Notion; Basic Education.

PAGES: 112
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

Among the various possibilities for grasping financial concepts, the idea of profit would be one of the most relevant in the initial formation, as it contributes to the articulation of other economic concepts, being fundamental for the development of skills in financial thinking management. The present study aimed to examine the understanding of profit in the face of financial situations in children from the early years of Elementary Education in public schools in the city of Recife. The specific objectives sought to (i) verify which elements of the financial world are mobilized by participants in judgment situations involving the notion of profit; (ii) identify which factors are taken into consideration when asked to evaluate a sales value that generates profit; (iii) assess if there are differences in reasoning presented by participants when subjected to situations of profit from product and service. For this, 80 students attending the 3rd and 5th grades of Elementary Education in public schools in the city of Recife were individually interviewed, with 40 from each
grade. They were asked to solve two blocks of activities, namely: Block 1, a situation involving the association of the word profit with other words was proposed, in which children were asked to "think aloud" about words associated with the notion of profit. Subsequently, Block 2, activities involving six judgment situations about profit were presented, three situations about the sale of products and three situations about the sale of services. The analysis of the two blocks of situations involved the evaluation of the performance of the two participant groups, and subsequently, the justifications provided by each student. In Block 1, for performance analysis, three analyses were implemented. The first analysis identified the words evoked by participants when questioned about the five words associated with profit. The second analysis investigated in more detail the first word evoked. For the analysis of justifications, in Block 1, three types of responses given by participants to the first word evoked were analyzed and categorized. In Block 2, a statistical analysis was performed involving categories of types of responses for performance, distributed into correct and incorrect. For the analysis of justifications, four types of reasoning given by participants were identified. The results showed that, for Block 1, both the 3rd and 5th grades predominantly associated profit with the word money and that the participants of the 5th grade obtained a greater variety of word associations related to the financial context compared to the 3rd grade, besides better explaining the reasoning operated in the justifications provided for the first word evoked. For Block 2, 5th-grade participants also showed better overall performance in situations involving the
judgment of the sale of products and services. In general, there was a greater understanding of the concept of profit in service situations compared to product situations in both school years, although the 5th grade demonstrated significantly higher performance than the 3rd grade in both proposed situations.

Externa à Instituição - ANNA BARBARA BARROS LEITE - UFPE
Externa ao Programa - 2357016 - CRISTIANE AZEVEDO DOS SANTOS PESSOA - nullExterna à Instituição - NEILA TONIN AGRANIONIH - UFPR
Presidente - 2346942 - SINTRIA LABRES LAUTERT
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/04/2024 19:54
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